Sunday, May 31, 2009


i think i just called margar at a girlscout thingy angin!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

crapy poem thing that came to me

my darkness, embodied in red, watching it drip drip from my body, ounce by ounce drop by drob, waiting for it to empty, and leave me in my pool darkness

Monday, May 25, 2009


my headphones broke and there the only ones i got i will have to get somemore tomarow but after a hole day of no ipod. i am so sad

Saturday, May 16, 2009

i hate myself so much right now

i am just so sad. worried that i caused someone elses sadness. and like the title says i hate myself.

Friday, May 15, 2009

am or have i hurt

i am so parinoid but i was an ass who wasn't thinking of others. i probly wont sleep much tonight and who i am talking about knows who they are. i am just so depressed and other shit right now but i thought that writing it out would help.

is there anyone out there (yea this is a pink floyd reference)

i feel like there is no one out there i am all alone in this world. i am screaming for someone but no one hears me. my life is almost completly empty. and a big ALMOST so there are some good things which completly controdicts what i said up there and if you don't like it deal with it

Is there anyone out there

Monday, May 11, 2009


well the title pretty much says what i wanted to say

Saturday, May 9, 2009


i just watched the wall and now i feel weird. like i feel trapped within myself. i feel like shouting and crying and breaking things but i can barley type this. i don't really know whats going on. can someone release me from my prison. damn i didn't know Pink Floyd could do this to me.


i got internet slaped by margar

Friday, May 8, 2009

just end it

i feel so numb right now. i don't even know if i would feel me stabing myself. huhhhhhhhh. well watever i don't realy mater anyway i don't even know why i a bitching on this blog anyway i probly sound like a whiny bitch and i probly am

Monday, May 4, 2009


why am i here i meen i all just seems so pointless. realy i just waist everybodys time and i am a ass so i just think i should end it and make everyone happyer

Sunday, May 3, 2009

sweet song

dig up her bones by the misfits kicks ass. it's also makes me laugh at how much of an ass glenn danzing is

Saturday, May 2, 2009

i feel so alone

i feel like nobody cares about me and i am alone in this world. like i am the only one i can count on. would anyone realy care i just ended it right now? i just dont know