Monday, June 14, 2010

new blog

my new blog is my this one is pissing me off so please look at that from now on to read what i have to say

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Going to just type to pass time maybe someone will get online who i can talk to during this and make me very happy. Well thank you spell check so now for words i'm not sure about then i can just use that so now i'm much more comfortable doing this though apparently my spelling has gotten better. Well today was the last day full day of school and now all i got in finals so we get out at one which is awesome. Gonna hang out with some friends tomorrow so that has to be fun to. Well bored bored bored. Hmmmmm there has to be something else to say. Though no one is reading this but it does pass the time so there really isn't much of a point to act like i'm talking to someone but that does make it easier. so i guess then i will keep doing that and that whole last sentence was pointless. I really should do this more often cause then i would probably become a better writer. I really wish i was talking to someone cause then i would feel less narcissistic talking about myself but i'm not and this is MY blog so i guess i can do whatever the hell i feel like. Yay i'm gonna go do chores with my mom so it is 8;24 and i'll type when i'm back. Alright it's 8:29 so that wasn't bad and i'm back. You know now i'm just gonna talk about whats on my mind. One i wonder if i say to many sweet things to Marmar cause then i look obsessive. And i don't wanna do that. Two i don't wanna do my gym test tomorrow. Three i just hope i pass this year. Well Marmar just called but now she is gonna call me when she gets home cause she is in the car. Well this is gona be a bitch is my blog can't post this so i'm gona cut it off here. Well byes everyone

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Awesome picture

The best description of this picture is this. A fatty who got beaten up for looking like a fatty and then notices a Twinkie XD .
Thank you Joge's girlfriend's sister.

much hate to you all ^_^

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gin what a sexy beast

how can you not like that. you know you would tap that. to bad his banki was lame its only got bigger (gigity) but still he is so awesome. they should have made the whole show about him no one cares about ichigo he is no where near as good as fox face.......-fantasize- now if only joge cosplayed that then i don't know of anything sexier!!! oh big tasty we all love him:

much hate to you all ^_^
except for marmar who i love very much


Monday, April 12, 2010


everyone knows that pancakes are the best thing ever created by man. and if you don't then go away cause no one likes you and you can go to bugger for all i care so yea >:3.

yea you know its awesome

much hate to you all

Sunday, April 11, 2010

attempt at non depressed bloging

ummm hey i don't know what to talk about lets see....there is a lame mosterquest cause there looking at freaken bee's BEE'S and last time i checked they're not mosters lame people. ummm well i have failed cause i'm bored so yea

i hate you all ^_^

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


why do i have to be such a cowered? i wish i had the willpower just to finally off myself and the one time i worked myself up to doing it, it turned out not to be poisons in anyway so i'm still here. next time i see that bean plant i'm stealing a leaf maybe then i can finally kill me.


why the hell am i trying to do something on this. i am and always will be a failure so i don't know why i both bitching about it online where no one looks anyhow but whatever i am doing it but i will stop myself and leave it at this.