Sunday, August 16, 2009

i feel so alone

god i am alone and empty. my paranoia has taken over again. and i don't know why i don't just end it now. other than the fact that i am actualy scared to do so. and then i would find out what hell is realy like though and prove all of those christian asses wrong.(just to put somthing biblical :p) well that is anouff whineing for now. so bye

Thursday, August 13, 2009

so these are the people who go to hell

Hell is a place designed by God to separate those who hate Him from those who love Him. Those who are sent to hell are restrained through punishment so that they won't be able to torture others. If you don't think that you will like it in hell, try heaven instead. However, you are not going to get there on the basis of the "good" things you have done in your life, but through belief in Jesus Christ.

sooooooo good people will go to hell and u can be evil but u beleve in Jesus Christ u will go to heven. makes sence dosn't it? ahh the dumb ass christians what will they think of next ;)

what happens in hell

Punishment in Hell
smoke of their torment
no rest day and night
weeping and gnashing of teeth
their worm does not die

how do u die twice. if ur in hell then ur dead so how do u die again. and if ur inside the earth which is were the bible says it is. so there would be no day or night. so that dosn't matter. and last off WHAT THE FUCK IS A WORM. that is all thank u ;)

what hell will be like (contradiction)

Bible's Description of Hell
fire and brimstone
burning wind
fiery oven
flames of fire
judgment by fire
unquenchable fire
furnace of fire
eternal fire
eternal punishment
fiery hell
pits of darkness
lake of fire

well if hell is all this fire how is there darkness. fire creats light. this makes no sence. christian dumb fucks

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

LOOK WHAT SENDS U TO HELL (proff that christian are bigeted ass holes)

What Sends You to Hell?13
fits of rage
factions and envy
sexual immorality
homosexual offenses
selfish ambition

i am not saying all of these are unreasonable but first off lying then every one is going to hell and then there is jealosy so everyone gets to go to hell twise. ISN'T THIS FUN!! and well the list is there so i am finding this funny so that it read if u want

Monday, August 10, 2009

i feel like an ass

god i have been an ass to people. i feel so bad about it ass. i guess some of it i shouldn't feel bad about but i do. like not thanking margar when she got my ipod, being an ass to my friend dan, (alot of these are probly going to be margar cause i am thinking of her so yeah), some of the stuff i said to margar today(idk weather i should feel bad about those or not but i do feel bad) and stuff i have done to my step mom emmy though i don't think i have done anything recently but i have done things before -shrugs- well actualy there arn't that many right now and half of them were margar (but there were only four so i guess that not saying much). well that anouff of a pity thing cause i know that what people will think to this and u know i wonder if that is what i want them to do. i say that i don't like pitty but mabey deep down inside i do so i try to get it -shrug- ehhh who knows, mabey i should get a shrink if i wana know. but then i would need money and my mum won't let me get a job. soooooo that isn't hapining anytime soon i guess. i would like to figure myself out more and i try and realy u don't, people are just lazy and like to have people do things for them. i am not saying i am abouff these things i know i am a lazy fuck. but i am just saying what i think which then that would make me a hipacrit. meh who cares. not the people or most lickly person (idk if mellisa still reads this i know margar does though). HA this in interactive for the reader......not realy idk why i said i could just delete that but i am not i am just typing what comes up. i hope my blog dosn't lose this like it has lost other big ones. god this is long. lest see if i can beat my last one but i probly won't cause i'm bord. but that could just mean that i am going to write that much cause i have nothing better to do? well lets find out. wow my typing is faster that the last time i actualy looked at me type but i still SUCK ASS at it. wow i do cuss tomuch but this is online so that dosn't actualy meen i cuss like this in real life but hell who am i kidding i do. i try to say BUTT and i do say that alot but i still do cuss. but realy there just words i don't know why there consiterd bad. i know rasits ones should be like the N word which i refuse to say even online. but i do sometimes say it in my head and that pisses me off. i hate when i think like that. that why i consiter there to be two people in my head cuase i think in two different ways. well i guess i am done so bye now am when i post this i am going to see how long it is DING well byes.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

i am a lucky bastard

i am thinking of how lucky i am to have margar. she is so great and could have so much better guys than me but she chose me. she is so great, one of the best people who i have every met. and i miss her soooo much and i don't know if i will be able to see her anytime soon but i hope i do. but i have said that alot. but yea i am a realy lucky bastard to have her. well thats it bye

Saturday, August 1, 2009

i miss margar

i realy miss margar. i can't stop thinking of her and me listing to a butt load of oasis isn't helping i meen i cryed today just cause i missed her. god i am a dork. -sigh- well that all i wanted to say i hopes i get to see margar soon ands byes