Thursday, August 13, 2009

so these are the people who go to hell

Hell is a place designed by God to separate those who hate Him from those who love Him. Those who are sent to hell are restrained through punishment so that they won't be able to torture others. If you don't think that you will like it in hell, try heaven instead. However, you are not going to get there on the basis of the "good" things you have done in your life, but through belief in Jesus Christ.

sooooooo good people will go to hell and u can be evil but u beleve in Jesus Christ u will go to heven. makes sence dosn't it? ahh the dumb ass christians what will they think of next ;)


  1. lol i dont know, but i rather be in hell, i can tell u that!!

  2. But wouldnt satin HELP you sence he is agaisnt God?
