Wednesday, July 15, 2009

getting drunk on emotions

well this is anoying i typed one gient thingy and my blog lost it. BITCH well i will just go on ranting on what i am thinking of. and what the other guy in my head is thinking of. though i will try to minamise that one because he is a biast racest sexest person who i hate. he is a fucken ass. god am i crazy? i meen he just tells me things that depress me. i realy should give him a name or somthing if u have any sugestions please coment. -singing- today is gona be the day they take me back to u. thinking of margar sulking and listing to oasis. oh look now i am seeing things. YAY. what the fuck is wrong with me. ohhh i am doodling on my desk and weiting to get bitched at by my mom. uhhh is that normal. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok thats anouff of that what else is going on in there. well halloween the movie. along with my mouth bleeding, margar is still in there, uhhhhhhhhhh. -sigh- i am a worthless fuck. parden my french. uhh what does that term even mean i mean it makes no sence. FUCK oh parden my french. honsltly it makes no i have typed alot again atlest the other asshole has shut up. god i wana take some pills right now but i am affraid that i will get adiced or however u spell that. man i like margar to much i meen i think of her alot and i miss her alot. i wish i didn't like her so much. it just cause pain later on but i guess i will have to just let it happen cause i can't stop liking her. uhhhhhh wow i can't beleve someone would read this much and god i should shut up but my blog is called my mind enter if u dare so do u dare to read this much. if u do u will get a look into my mind. its kinda empty isn't it. ooooooooooooooooooooooo texes chainsaw masicare thingy is on!!!! KILL HER KILL HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i do not have problems! well i guess i am done so bye and congrats if u get this far :p

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